
7 Replies to “tn_DSC02168”

  1. Funny. Very cheeky. Love the tongue sticking out gesture like Fleegle used to in the Banana Splits! Bet he never contemplated an ass split or cunt in the eye!

    Remember, Guys, it’s what your imagination does to you when you have strong impulses otherwise known as Pareidolia!

    Right now my impulse is conjuring a vision of my Vicar reading a Sunday Sermon with a Tunic split down the middle!

  2. omg this has finally arrived. been almost 6 years following her and now I get to see her butt hole open. i hope i won’t wait six more to see a close up, but I’m happy now.

    joyce, please more of those. it is clear that we all love ur butt hole.

    1. I waited longer than that. Been a fan since her Stephanie Le Gee days. Waited years to save this shot to my files. This one will bring me a lot of pleasure in the days to come.

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