5 Replies to “new hallway-4”

    1. Actually not the same shot but one in a series. When we shot we shoot 2,000 or more at a time in a theme so this one in a sequence of about 10 shots of the theme that is usable as was the other one in the series. Too much showing for the provider in the other 8. We actually shot about 4-8,000 a day when shooting of which only 40-50 ever get put up. The others are just loaded to a drive and we move on to next series to shoot and pick from.


      1. It’s a bit paradoxical, isn’t it: guys come here for sexual/artistic stimulation & the one thing you’re not allowed to show due to the provider’s idiosynchracies is the one thing they want more of: SEX! It’s not your fault, Joyce; you do your very best, but what an unusual world we live in?

        1. The way it works is that the more liberal the society we are the more conservative it becomes. Here you can buy swimsuits at the beach that are not allowed on the beach but used to be.


          1. I find that kind of double morality scary, Joyce! Why sexuality scares I’ll never know! A basic need being taboo is illogical.I mean what are we?: babies or what?

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