3 Replies to “Cee J pigs n a blanket”

  1. Not an English dish , but we do have one similar- ‘Toad in the Hole’, with batter pudding around sausage. as the batter is roasted, it smothers the sausage. I think you’d like it.

  2. One too many MMs!

    It was a fine Autumn day in the BC household. Both the BC and her close female friend Su Lin were doing mundane domestic chores when Su Lin discovers 5 packets of MMs in the BCs fridge.

    ” Joyce” , exclaims Su Lin, “why do you keep such teeth rot at home? ”

    “Oh, it’s only something I enjoy occasionally,  ” replied the BC.

    ” You know,  ” says Su Lin,  ” Do you recall how,  in school days,  we used to have a competition to see how many Cream Crackers we’d get in our mouths?”

    “I do indeed”,  says the BC. “It wouldn’t be allowed now,  what with all the ‘ health and safety’ regs,  would it? ”

    Su Lin turned slowly and fixed a stare at the BC. There’s no Health and safety in your home,  is there? ”

    “”Meaning, ” says the BC,  with a just a hint of inquisition.

    “Meaning”, says Su Lin,  ” you don’t care about your teeth and there aren’t any rules here. Joyce,  these MMs look delicious. Let’s see how many we can stuff in! ”

    “Ingenious, ” says the BC. ” Just like school days. ”

    Su Lin points to the BC, ” You better remove the beautiful dress , as these things stain. ”

    “Only if you take your own stuff off,” replies the BC.

    The girls immediately strip and pull up 2 chairs and a small table,  a bit like 2 Texan Card players facing each other in a Saloon.

    As the competition progresses,  the girls mouths are becoming overcapacitated with sweeties. Just look at poor Su Lin’s mouth cheeks bulging as she struggles to salivate enough to break down umpteen MMs.

    Similarly the BCs mouth is reaching a chocolaty,  foaming climax- running chocolate is now trickling down from the edges of the month,  giving her an appearance reminiscent of Alice Cooper. 

    “Ooh, you dirty Bitch!” Suddenly exclaims Su Lin.

    “What? ” replies the BC.

    A massive belching from Su Lin follows the BCs statement micro seconds later. A repulsive mish mash of melted chocolate, saliva and regurgitated gastric juices evacuates everywhere in the room, also hitting the BC.

    “And you called me dirty? ” says the BC.

    The BC then gets up and walk towards Su Lin spitting her mouthful into the face of the attractive young Asian fox Su Lin.

    “Who’s idea was this”? shouts Su Lin, blowing the filth from her lips.

    “Yours!” replies the BC.

    The girls turn towards us viewers showing their chocolaty faces and then put their wet creation in a bowl for all to see!

  3. I would love to have pig-in-the-blanket. They were my favorite snack as a kid, and I still crave them once in a while. Thank you for sharing.

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