8 Replies to “The victors video Nikki dos not dance”

  1. Great video hope you BC, ET, and JC make more videos like it. If you have censor or uploading problems with DM you can always put videos like this one Vimeo. The censors at Vimeo have allowed more graphic nudity than anything you ever done on DM.

    Enjoy all your videos you great voice and generally happy upbeat personality having an sexy body with care free spirit to show it off is an extra bonus. My video request is simple enjoy your work and HAVE FUN.

    Here are two examples how free and creative people can be on Vimeo
    1. video has been on for nine months has 526,000 plays and 810 likes
    2. video has been on for eight months has 249,000 plays and 712 likes
    Vimeo has not banned either of these videos.

    1. We have the ability to remove parts of comments. And we don’t do material like that and the only reason they are still up is lack of complaints. We get many and we get censored all the time as a result.


      1. Thank you wish people complain less about what you do, I like just about everything still hope you enjoy and have fun at everything you do.

        1. We were doing 10,000 views a day when the complaints shut us down on youtube, 25,000 a week on msn soapbox, 15,000 a week on yahoo, 50,000 a month on Veoh and on and on. We have censorship problems on dailymotion and vimeo and we pay for vimeo but not at a full tier price, way to expensive.

          This is why our figures are so up and down, people come by one day and leave the next because not what they want.


        2. Great vid in quality quantity, content & performance. Loved how you removed the flask off your cunt as the climax. It’s us against censorship, unfortunately!

          1. I never will understand sites like DM & others who have the perverse dichotomy of embracing adult material yet remove it to appease idiots with no interest & too much time to complain. Pathetic shmucks!

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