I was hoping Id get a view of your arsehole in this shoot but they’re a little dark. I love trying to spot it in all our rear work. The sight of Joyce’s little Starfish really raises my cock! To be fair to you, I’ve never seen you airbrush it out which is right because it would not be a natural photograph.
I imagine most nude models have very little say in the final photo; be they bashful or otherwise! You are a rare model who is Captain of your own ship and gives us natural pictures which I find admirable.
I was hoping Id get a view of your arsehole in this shoot but they’re a little dark. I love trying to spot it in all our rear work. The sight of Joyce’s little Starfish really raises my cock! To be fair to you, I’ve never seen you airbrush it out which is right because it would not be a natural photograph.
I imagine most nude models have very little say in the final photo; be they bashful or otherwise! You are a rare model who is Captain of your own ship and gives us natural pictures which I find admirable.
Thanx for this latest rear set.