5 Replies to “walking series”

  1. Was hit in the rear end by another car and forced threw the red light. Being rear ended not a good enough excuse for a state that is broke so I got a very expensive ticket


    1. That’s crazy! How can it possibly be your fault? The prat who wacked you from behind’s the culprit & should be charged with wreckless driving. Christ! Imagine if he’d knocked you into a pedestrian?

      Your laws are completely illegal especially when the victim: YOU, are blamed for someone else’s incompetence! Challenge it if you can?

      1. Its called the state is broke and I went to court and they ruled the law is that you may not drive threw a red light and it makes no exception.


        1. If a pedestrian had been killed as a result, would they have charged you with murder/manslaughter, not the instigator of the incident?

          I’ve no sympathy for LA Police & Judiciary! Is this why it’s called LA LA Land?

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