How the Bikini Czar Stays in in this Shape for pictures like this on VOD at a special price



Thru the 24th of May the following swimsuits VODs will be specially priced at $1.99 and $2.99 and on the Swimsuit difference VOD there is a special bonus besides all the below being at a special price. Full hidef and yes Cee J can not throw a Frisbee.

We thank all of you for making our VODs a success.

click below to go to vod

VOD special while we are in Cannes




From Today thru the 24th of May the following swimsuits VODs will be specially priced at $1.99 and $2.99 and on the Swimsuit difference VOD there is a special bonus besides all the below being at a special price. Full hidef and yes Cee J can not throw a Frisbee.

We thank all of you for making our VODs a success.

more cee j beach review


FYI because of a complaint to Vimeo which was going to turn all out older cooking with notaspringchick videos private we had to make them inti VODs. What was free now has to be paid for to see.