b: L.A police have sweet f.A else to do and are getting cheap thrills (theory I prefer to believe)
c: Are you on good terms with neighbours or would they have made a complaint for any reason? Why not give em a friendly call to deduct such a possibility?
Either the police have no right- its intrusive & invading your privacy to enjoy your home!
Would but depends on when able.
3 possibilities for police surveylence?
a: Coincidence
b: L.A police have sweet f.A else to do and are getting cheap thrills (theory I prefer to believe)
c: Are you on good terms with neighbours or would they have made a complaint for any reason? Why not give em a friendly call to deduct such a possibility?
Either the police have no right- its intrusive & invading your privacy to enjoy your home!
No complaints. The police academy is right down the street from me and run by everyday while in training.
Thinking about it.