Hey, what’s for lunch? You’re smacking those lips there so I bet it’s something tasty in the oven?
Talking of wedging, these bottoms do wedge tight in your asshole cheeks but could go deeper. You did some great butt slideshows in these bottoms so how about some new real clear close ups like you did recently with ‘Gold’ suit which was delicious. A nice close up of these from behind should definately be on the menu!
Hey, what’s for lunch? You’re smacking those lips there so I bet it’s something tasty in the oven?
Talking of wedging, these bottoms do wedge tight in your asshole cheeks but could go deeper. You did some great butt slideshows in these bottoms so how about some new real clear close ups like you did recently with ‘Gold’ suit which was delicious. A nice close up of these from behind should definately be on the menu!