The evil twin washes the chairdoog 3


You ask the bathroom all for her. She was a show dog and when the bathroom was rebuilt it was rebuilt so it would be easier to wash and trim her fur.

8 Replies to “The evil twin washes the chairdoog 3”

  1. So, she’s a Cruft’s veteran- I thought so, & Hollywood material!

    After reading of the pampering how can anyone say ‘It’s a Dog’s life!’

          1. Pesky bugs, I guess? Maybe a little insect repellent on her fur’s the answer? Sure the pet shop sells such an item? Sometimes, however, dogs need their natural defences like plants, and their immune systems have evolved to cope with adverse conditions.

            There’s life in the old dog/bitch yet!

          2. They can work out expensive. My Nan’s giant poodle needed booster injections & had expensive tastes including talc after toileting!

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