5 Replies to “nikki yard 10”

  1. Love all the sets you done in the past week over time think will grow your fan base, with exception of the VODs notice on Vimeo the naughtier the video the higher the play count is. The people with the loudest voices who complain the most are usually in the minority and most of them are hypocrites too the great silent majority prefer naughty, most searches on the internet deal with thing being naughty and remember Nixon won with the silent majority. Like the direction you are going in hope you keep it up.

    1. I like the Nixon bit. Wil. He left kind of quietly too! Haa.

      As a long-termer myself, I almost fully endorse what you’re saying, especially this week’s nudist series which was a wonderful surprise: ET’s expressions, the brazen explicitness- was a faultless series- the BC epitomised!

  2. Have a request on Nikki bath Vod if possible add the unedited video the pictures were taken fron to Vod. Think would boost sales, know I would be more incline to purchase if the video was add beleive also boost sales from the preview it looks like she laughing and having a lot of fun shooting it.

    Thank you

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